Work With Us

For universities and colleges, who are eager for tie-ups on student internships at regular intervals, please email at apply@switchon.org.in
SwitchON Foundation Team : Application
Candidates Please Note – We appreciate applicants spending time introspecting before filling the form – why you want to work with us and what value you can create here. Please give the application a good thought and write carefully.
SwitchON Foundation is a award winning not-for-profit working since 2008 in the sectors of Renewable Energy Access, Sustainable Agriculture, Skilling and Environment/Climate Change. We are looking for enterprising and young professionals and leaders to join or lead initiatives / departments at SwitchON to solve the most pressing issues of today.
We are a leader in building social enterprises and ecosystem to create large scale sustainable change. SwitchON has worked with various national and international organisations like MNRE/NISE, NABARD, GoWB, GIZ, Climate Group UK, Good Energies, US Embassy, MNRE, KPMG, CARE, Halloran Phillantrophy etc.