The Eastern State of West Bengal is seeing the highest surge of COVID-19 cases in India at present with the onset of the deadly second wave of the virus. Recent news bulletin has uncovered that every second person in Kolkata is testing positive (Times of India). With covid cases doubling every eighth day in the month of April (India Today), Bengal, at present is seeing a fast-climbing death rate that spiked by about 22 times since the beginning of April. (Economic Times, 2021)
SwitchON Foundation undertook a rapid assessment to understand the current scenario of the case surge and people’s perception of lockdown along with their knowledge on vaccines. Total 804 surveys were undertaken out of which 521 were from rural areas and 283 from urban areas.
The study revealed 60% of people who responded had a friend or a relative, who has passed away from COVID. From the survey, it was revealed rural respondents saw the better practice of COVID appropriate behavior, willingness to take vaccines, and openness to lockdown. The survey also revealed some ominous findings taking into consideration the current scenario of this unprecedented health chaos that the state has landed into.
Awareness of COVID-19 vaccines –
Although several international and national agencies have repeatedly championed the effectiveness of taking COVID-19 vaccines as the only way of staying protected from the contagion spread, the survey uncovered that most people are concerned about their health after taking the first jab of the vaccine. Interestingly, females are more willing to take the vaccines than males and it is the elderly who are most skeptical. The younger generation, on the other hand, is more willing to get vaccinated.
- A whopping 57% of respondents said that they were concerned about health issues arising after taking the vaccine
- 30% from the age group of above 50 years were not in favor of taking a vaccine
- 85% of females are willing to take the vaccine as against 79% of males.
- 66% of the people from rural areas are still unaware of the registration process for taking the vaccine.
Shreya Karmakar of SwitchON Foundation said “For the government to effectively accelerate its vaccination program, it should spread information on the safety of vaccines and also spread awareness on the importance of taking it for the safety of themselves but also of their families and containing the spread of COVID as was seen in the USA and UK.”