Resilience and Adaptation to climate change in Agriculture

Environment and Climate Change

Under our Environment and Climate Change Vertical we work with children, youth and citizens and experts in different fields to take a proactive role to address climate change and other pressing issues plaguing our environment through programmes, campaigns and activities.

Environment and Climate Change works broadly under two categories Air Pollution and Sustainable Mobility. The main motive behind our sector is to create lifestyle changes and changes in policy implementation by spreading awareness and conducting projects, events, studies on different campaigns under air pollution and sustainable mobility.

Areas of Work

  • Natural/Organic agri clusters

    Creating seed to shelf (market) ecosystem for farmer groups
  • Rural Women Entrepreneurship

    Incubating Rural Women-Led Micro Businesses
  • DRE Technology for Livelihoods

    Doubling income by deploying DRE technologies in a market approach.
  • Farmer Producer Organisations

    Setting up and scaling Farmer Producer Organizations to drive growth


Priority Areas


Awareness Building for Cleaner Air and Demerits of Air Pollution 

We have successfully created a Clean Air Network – a network of organizations and enthusiasts across the state of West Bengal, Jharkhand and Odisha committed towards securing access to clean air. The network engages a huge network of stakeholders like doctors, youth from school and colleges across non-attainment cities of West Bengal and Jharkhand to fight air pollution.


Encouraging Sustainable Mobility

Under sustainable mobility, we work on issues regarding urban mobility. Our Sustainable Urban Mobility Network includes members across West Bengal and Jharkhand focussing on urban mobility issues like walkable cities, campaigning for cycles as means of transport in the city and promotion of electric vehicles.