The realization of the need to shift our energy dependency to clean energy sources away from fossil fuels came to us as an organization in 2008. By 2013, we had started promoting solar pumps as a viable alternative to diesel pumps used across rural India. Working on the field, we came face-to-face with the everyday challenges faced by the famers.
It was actually the lack of financial access that was holding back small and marginal rural farmers in acquiring solar pumps. We realigned our approach to suit the community’s need for the development of an ecosystem, involving technological & financial solutions, facilitating adoption, upscaling of solar pumps & moving towards Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE).
Solar water pumps & Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) technologies
Scaling up the ecosystem for solar irrigation through solar pumps ensures access to clean energy in the agricultural sector. The Clean Energy vertical has maintained DRE as its priority areas and other such DRE technologies in different segments of rural livelihoods are currently being explored.
Energy Water Agriculture Nexus
To focus on a holistic approach to comprehend development issues and to avoid interventions in isolation, the Clean Energy vertical has prioritized the nexus approach to strengthen the interlinkages between energy, water and agriculture.
Women’s access to climate resilient technologie
Including gender perspectives into clean energy access has been a priority for the vertical. Access to productive agricultural assets such as solar pumps in the name of women have been a priority of our interventions.