1️⃣ Kolkata residents
grapple with Adopting an eco-friendly Diwali, despite Awareness
A People’s Perception Study by SwitchON Foundation, 2023
As winter descends, Diwali festivities in India worsen the country’s already severe air pollution crisis. The cold winds
trap pollutants in the atmosphere, contributing to India’s consistently poor global air quality rankings. Kolkata, a
major eastern city, now holds the unfortunate title of the world’s second most polluted city, recording a PM2.5 level at
a staggering 84.5 µg/m3—17 times higher than the World
Health Organization‘s safety limit of 5 µg/m3. This alarming trend poses significant public health concerns,
according to a report by India
Investigating People’s Perspective:
Despite the administration’s on-paper regulations and penalties for illegal fireworks activities, the lack of public
awareness about green crackers during Diwali remains a significant issue. To address this, the government is making
efforts, to establish green cracker markets in prominent Kolkata areas as per a report of The
Telegraph Dated 4th November at Shahid Minar, Tala Park, Behala, Kalikapur bazi bazaars. These
markets exclusively sell green crackers with the CSIR-NEERI logo and a QR code certifying their eco-friendliness. These
are devoid of toxic barium compounds and create 30% less pollution.
The research team at SwitchON Foundation conducted a cross-sectional survey at the above-mentioned licensed bazi bazaars
to gain insights into the public’s perception of “Green Diwali”. The study was focused on engaging
potential buyers of green crackers. Subsequently, flash surveys were executed with the respondents at the Baji Bazars
between the 7th and 8th of November, with a sample size of 296 random individuals consisting of 185
male and 111 female participants. The findings and conclusions are listed herein:
- 77% of the surveyed individuals expressed uncertainty regarding the purchase of green crackers. This uncertainty
stemmed from either an inability to recognize green crackers, accounting for 39% or a flawed understanding of
identification methods, comprising 38%. (Figure 1). Only 23% of city dwellers were able to correctly
identify green crackers with the intent to purchase.

Figure 1:
People’s awareness of green crackers identification in Kolkata
- 75% of the respondents clearly understood that green crackers are the only allowed crackers in the
state (Figure 2).

Figure 2.: People’s awareness of the permission and ban on crackers in Kolkata
- There was moderate awareness (61%) regarding the ban on traditional crackers and high awareness (74%) on the
permission to burst green crackers only (Figure 2). - Only 42% of people responded that they would possibly buy the green crackers at premium pricing, while 15%
refused to buy highly-priced crackers on the spot (Figure 3) - 27% of people were uncertain about a purchase decision and the rest 16% refrained themselves from answering this
particular question (Figure 3).

Figure 3:
People’s Opinion on premium-priced green crackers
- Only 28% of respondents have accurate knowledge of the timings, i.e 8 pm to 10 pm, and the rest
of the 72% of respondents either do not know of the existence of such timing or they were not properly
informed and tried to blindly guess the timing (Figure 4).

Figure 4:
People’s awareness of the timing of bursting crackers
- Based on all the parameters being countered to the people, a best-case scenario evolved wherein only 11%
of the survey population attained perfect response; with a gender distribution of male: female of
8% and 3% respectively. The study elucidates this small group of Calcuttans who are aware of the permission
of green crackers, the ban on traditional firecrackers, and proper identification of green crackers as well
as the right time to burst green crackers in the city. Additionally, they will opt for
green crackers even if those are premium-priced.
The Air Quality Status and Impending Risks during Diwali:
Air Quality Index (AQI) in Kolkata is rapidly deteriorating ahead of Diwali following a report in The
Hindu dated 8.11.2023 prepared based on Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) data, wherein the morning of 8th
November (8 AM) observed “Poor” air quality with 249 AQI where PM2.5 and
PM10 concentration was 104.65 µg/m3 and 188.58 µg/m3
respectively. To reduce the pollutant footprint of Diwali, the West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WBPCB) has, as per
the guidelines of the Hon’ Supreme Court of India, put forth a set of enforcements along with the State Police
authorities in conjunction with the developed green crackers by the Council of Scientific & Industrial
Research-Narional Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) and Petroleum and Explosive Safety
Organisation (PESO) quality certification. The original court guidelines
clearly mention-
- All kinds of traditional firecrackers are completely banned in India, including all states and
throughout the national territory - Bursting of only green crackers manufactured and certified as per the composition of CSIR-NEERI and
having the respective QR code and logo allowed in the states - In West Bengal bursting is only allowed between 8 PM to 10 PM.
- The noise
limit of the crackers should not exceed 125 decibels - Following section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) bursting
banned crackers and violation of timing may lead to up to three years of imprisonment.
- The identification process of the green crackers needs to be easier and more unique so that
people can recognize a green cracker only by looking into it. More awareness drives on the identification marks
of green crackers may help with this concern. Vigorous miking on the legal time duration of
bursting green crackers needs to be done so that households are aware of the same. - Setting up more green cracker markets, especially in the open places near the localities will
make people buy those crackers instead of relying on back door means to buy illegal fireworks. - Market availability of green crackers and traditional firecrackers needs to be reversed very
aggressively so that people have no other choice left if they want to burst crackers. - At the same time, pricing needs to be within limit, so that people can afford them.
Furthermore, unless the black marketing of traditional crackers stops completely, it will not be possible to
obtain the goal of a clean environment and several people will have to suffer from prolonged cardiovascular
disease for a single-day celebration!
Speaking from an overall perspective, Calcuttans may know completely or partially about the ban, the timings and the
mandate with green crackers, but the Diwali celebrations will remain compromised one way or the other unless 100% of the
citizens either switch to the use of only certified GREEN CRACKERS , or find some miraculous solace in
celebrating Diwali with complete abstinence from firecrackers of any type.
Mr. Vinay Jaju, Managing Director, SwitchON Foundation said, “Through our studies it has clearly come out that
there is a lot to be achieved to be able to implement the green crackers orders. From our survey with consumers we
have seen that many people do not know about the window timing of 8 to 10 burning of green crackers and also
the fact that only green crackers are allowed and conventional crackers have been banned. So there is a lot more
awareness that has to be followed. But more importantly, we still see conventional fire crackers being sold. We have
to have some very strict crackdown at the industry stage itself where the conventional crackers are still
being sold. It is also important that support is offered to them for the transition of these industries to green
crackers. What we are seeing in the market is that many crackers just have the green cracker logo but their QR
codes are actually fake or not operational. In Fact, the whole QR code system is very cumbersome and it is not even
updated. Most consumers don’t even know how a certificate is coming which is very hard to understand and evaluate.
So there are a lot of malpractices that are happening on the ground and there’s a huge amount of lack of awareness
on the ground. The industries’ transition has to be thought about in a detailed and deep manner. While we are
promoting as an organization not to use any firecrackers, we know that green crackers will still be around and we
have to put the right ecosystem, awareness and capacity building in place for them to be finally adopted and a very
strong crackdown on all conventional firecrackers.”
2️⃣ Assessment of Green Certificate-QR for CSIR-NEERI approved Green
A study with Kolkata firecracker markets, 2023
The Pretext
Diwali has now been linked to pollution and poor air quality, particularly due to
conventional crackers. High Particular Matter (PM) levels during post-Diwali in the last couple of decades has
sparked concerns. In response to the hike in pollution levels, the Supreme Court issued an order in 2018, led by
Justice A K Sikri, banning conventional firecrackers nationwide, endorsing “green crackers.”
These eco-friendly alternatives developed by CSIR-NEERI, reduced PM and gas emissions by
30% and 10%, respectively (WBPCB, 2022). As per the high court, Green crackers must be burst within a specific time
frame (8 pm to 10 pm) during the day. Noise levels are also capped at 125 decibels nationwide, with non-compliance
penalties ranging from 6 months to 5 years in prison. To ensure authenticity, CSIR made an app allowing users to
scan the QR code on the packaging to verify their authenticity (Annexure 8). Very few manufacturers have
obtained licenses to produce green crackers, as of October 30, 2023. Recent news articles and High Court
orders reinforce the ban on conventional firecrackers, promoting the sale and use of only green crackers, with
registered vendors and approved markets supporting the transition.
The SwitchON Foundation conducted research on the authenticity of QR codes displayed in
green crackers sold in Kolkata’s markets during the pre-Diwali season of 2023. When a green-certified product’s QR
code is scanned, it should automatically redirect to a green certificate given by CSIR-NEERI (Annexure 2).
This study employs a primary data collection approach and utilizes quantitative analysis
for data interpretation. SwitchON Foundation surveyed and interacted with the vendors, clicked pictures of the available products
and assessed the QR codes on the green cracker packets.
The study is conducted at three specific locations:
- Sahid Minar Bazi Bazar
- Talapark Bazi Bazar (Annexure 7)
- Local shops in Bhawanipur
Sample Size:
Surveyed 35 shops and out of this 32 shops had QR scan codes in their products.
The assessment (Figure 1.) revealed several 4 distinct categories, i.e.
- Proper CSIR certification– 35%
of QR codes were found to be certified by CSIR-NEERI as green crackers. Ref. Annexure 2. - QR code scan that opens to fake website / conventional cracker
manufacturer’s website – After scanning the QR code – 29% opened
manufacturers or fake websites. Ref. Annexure 3. - QR code errors– 32% of
conventional cracker’s QR code is not responding. Ref. Annexure 4. - No proper certification– 4% of conventional crackers show QR codes but are not
certified as green crackers. Ref Annexure 5. - Most of the local vendors surveyed did not sell products with proper QR

Fig.1. Status
of QR code scan those sold as Green crackers
The study clearly elucidates that only 35% (11 samples) of the products scrutinized in the licensed shops completely meet the guidelines for
public access and information to help them make the right consensual purchase decision. All the remaining sampled
products had the stipulated logo and QR yet failed to inform about the genuinity of the green cracker. This makes it
a critical obligation from both the manufacturer and government’s side to ensure that the verification protocols
stipulated for consumers are met, failing which a fully aware consumer might also fail to identify and use green
crackers and end up buying and consuming the banned products only.
- The vendors opposed to surveyors
clicking pictures of their products. As they are skeptical about the survey - Green QR application is not compatible
with the new updates of an android phone - Green cracker markets had very less
vendors even after the inception of the scheduled dates. Ref Annexure 6.
- CSIR-NEERI needs to update their Green
Cracker app immediately and release a rather Simple QR-based system that every smartphone can easily
support. The developers need to ensure that the QR scans only genuine prints and a simple Yes/No prompt is
generated suggesting to the consumer the genuineness of the product. - To abate the uncertainties of frisking
by authorities, it is more suitable if Green cracker-labeled SEALED crates directly reach from the
factory to the licensed shops where they are unsealed and loaded on shelves in the presence of authorities.
This will greatly reduce the entry of illegal conventional firecrackers in major shops and
establishments. - To reduce the production of illegal
firecrackers and hence limit illegal entry in the Diwali markets, it is advisable, that the government
regulates the chemicals and raw materials that are primary culprits for air pollution, limiting access to
thermite and barium compounds thus reducing the risks associated with crackers made conventionally.
Mr. Vinay Jaju, Managing Director, SwitchON Foundation said, “Through our
studies it has clearly come out that there is a lot to be achieved to be able to implement the green crackers
orders. From our survey with consumers we have seen that many people do not know about the window timing of 8
to 10 burning of green crackers and also the fact that only green crackers are allowed and conventional crackers
have been banned. So there is a lot more awareness that has to be followed. But more importantly, we still see
conventional fire crackers being sold. We have to have some very strict crackdown at the industry stage itself where
the conventional crackers are still being sold. It is also important that support is offered to them for the
transition of these industries to green crackers. What we are seeing in the market is that many crackers just
have the green cracker logo but their QR codes are actually fake or not operational. Infact, the whole QR code
system is very cumbersome and it is not even updated. Most consumers don’t even know how a certificate is coming
which is very hard to understand and evaluate. So there are a lot of malpractices that are happening on the ground
and there’s a huge amount of lack of awareness on the ground. The industries’ transition has to be thought about in
a detailed and deep manner. While we are promoting as an organization not to use any firecrackers, we know that
green crackers will still be around and we have to put the right ecosystem, awareness and capacity building in place
for them to be finally adopted and a very strong crackdown on all conventional firecrackers.”
Annexure 1
Table 1: Status of QR code scan those sold as Green
Proper CSIR certification | Manufacturer’s Website | QR code errors | without proper certification |
35% | 29% | 32% | 4% |

Annexure 2: Green cracker certificate

Annexure 3: QR Scan led to manufacturer’s website

Annexure 4: QR code errors

Annexure 4: QR code errors

Annexure 5: QR scan opens to component specifications

Annexure 6: The Bazi Bazar of Sahid Minar was not functional on schedule
Annexure 7: Talapark Bazi Bazar
Annexure 8: Flow chart of QR Scanning

3️⃣ Green Cracker initiative remains futile as Vendors fail to identify
own products: Kolkata
To celebrate the more sustainable and eco-friendly festival this year, CSIR Neeri has
taken the initiative to certify all types of conventional crackers. Conventional crackers are mainly made of barium
compounds, which enhance the green color of the cracker. This leads to higher emissions of particulate matter (PM)
and other toxic gases. In addition, it produces noise in excess of 125dB and higher pollution levels. Green crackers
on the other hand are devoid of barium compounds reducing PM emissions by 30% and noise level within the 125dB
permissible limit.
This year, SwitchON Foundation conducted a vendor study in two different green cracker
markets in Kolkata, Sahid Minar and Tala Park, and some local vendors/roadside shops in Bhawanipur. This study
mainly looks into vendor growth and awareness towards the green cracker stock and supply.
This study employs a primary data collection approach and utilizes quantitative analysis
for data interpretation. SwitchON Foundation surveyed and interacted with the vendors and kept records in Google
The study is conducted at three specific locations:
- Sahid Minar Bazi Bazar
- Talapark Bazi Bazar
- Local shops in Bhawanipur
Sample size:
SwitchON Foundation surveyed 19 shops.
Table 1. Category, Location and Survey Population Count
Vendor Category |
Survey Location/Market | Shops Visited/Surveyed |
Govt. approved licensed Shops |
Tala Park |
12 |
SahidMinar |
4 |
Non-licensed local shops/Roadside vendors |
Bhawanipur |
3 |
- SwitchON’s research shows that
11% of Conventional cracker vendors sold for over 5 years, 53% started within 2 years, and 37% sold in
the last 2 to 5 years. (Ref. Figure 1).

Figure 1:
Conventional crackers selling periods
- In the green cracker market, and local
temporary shops 37% of shopkeepers can correctly identify green crackers through the logo and QR
code, while the majority are perplexed by QR codes and logo verification
systems. (Ref figure 2).

Figure 2:
Percentage of green cracker identification by shopkeepers
- Green Crackers being sold
– Bazi market vendors said, in the Bazi market 100% are green
– Out of all the shops in Bhawanipur market, 84% sold green crackers, whereas 16% of shops were still selling conventional crackers. (Ref figure 3).

Figure 3:
Availability of green crackers in the shop
- 68% of vendors responded that
the market demand for green crackers is good, while the
remaining vendors described it as average. (Ref figure 4).

4: Market demand for green cracker
- 47% of vendors find green crackers more expensive than traditional
ones, while 53% are satisfied with the pricing, noting it hasn’t changed
from the previous year. (Ref figure 5).

Figure 5:
Vendor’s opinion about the price of Green crackers
- As per the QR code and logo
- 89% of the Govt. approved licensed Shops in Bazi Market were stocked
up by Green Cracker. - while 11% of the Non-licensed
local shops/Roadside vendors stocked less than 25% of green crackers.
(Ref figure 6).

Figure 6:
Presence of green crackers in shops
Key Observations:
The survey critically analyses the vendor’s perspective and awareness of green crackers
and what they are stocking and selling to consumers. The study observes the following:
- Conventional crackers are primarily
stocked and distributed through local non-licensed shops/roadside vendors only. - In response to the substantial market
demand for environmentally friendly alternatives, all licensed vendors have incorporated Green Crackers
featuring the CSIR NEERI logo and attached QR codes into their inventory. - However, it is noteworthy that a
significant portion of vendors still grapple with the challenge of accurately identifying green crackers.
This is a serious matter since the reliability of imposing a green cracker market greatly depends on the
vendor’s know-how about the genuineness of their own products.
- CSIR-NEERI needs to update their Green
Cracker app immediately and release a rather Simple QR-based system that every smartphone can easily
support. The developers need to ensure that the QR scans only genuine prints and a simple Yes/No prompt is
generated suggesting to the consumer the genuineness of the product. - To abate the uncertainties of frisking
by authorities, it is more suitable if Green cracker-labeled SEALED crates directly reach from the
factory to the licensed shops where they are unsealed and loaded on shelves in the presence of authorities.
This will greatly reduce the entry of illegal conventional firecrackers in major shops and
establishments. - To reduce the production of illegal
firecrackers and hence limit illegal entry in the Diwali markets, it is advisable, that the government
regulates the chemicals and raw materials that are primary culprits for air pollution, limiting access to
thermite and barium compounds thus reducing the risks associated with crackers made conventionally.
Mr. Vinay Jaju, Managing Director, SwitchON Foundation said, “Through our
studies it has clearly come out that there is a lot to be achieved to be able to implement the green crackers
orders. From our survey with consumers we have seen that many people do not know about the window timing of 8
to 10 burning of green crackers and also the fact that only green crackers are allowed and conventional crackers
have been banned. So there is a lot more awareness that has to be followed. But more importantly, we still see
conventional fire crackers being sold. We have to have some very strict crackdown at the industry stage itself where
the conventional crackers are still being sold. It is also important that support is offered to them for the
transition of these industries to green crackers. What we are seeing in the market is that many crackers just
have the green cracker logo but their QR codes are actually fake or not operational. In Fact, the whole QR
code system is very cumbersome and it is not even updated. Most consumers don’t even know how a certificate is
coming which is very hard to understand and evaluate. So there are a lot of malpractices that are happening on the
ground and there’s a huge amount of lack of awareness on the ground. The industries’ transition has to be thought
about in a detailed and deep manner. While we are promoting as an organization not to use any firecrackers, we know
that green crackers will still be around and we have to put the right ecosystem, awareness and capacity building in
place for them to be finally adopted and a very strong crackdown on all conventional firecrackers.”
Media Dossier
Contact: Vinay Jaju | M: +91 9331178105 | Email: VJ@SwitchON.org.in