DRE Expo in Ranchi, Jharkhand

  • Switchon logo
  • Published in: EEWA
  • 12th January, 2023

SwitchON Foundation in collaboration with Jharkhand Renewable Energy Development Agency has
organized a DRE expo in Ranchi, Jharkhand on 17th November. The Renewable energy expo was a
series of dynamic events to stimulate the growth of renewable energy in the region through
collaboration of technology for customized products by suppliers and a base of users, government bodies,
civil society and policy makers and . This event brought together businesses, sustainable energy industry
trade associations, government agencies, and energy policy research organizations to showcase the
status and potential of the cross-section of the renewable energy industry. The expo is proclaimed at
the right time when there is a paradigm shift in the global trend towards massive deployment of solar
power and other renewable energy along with investments worth billions of dollars in technology and
green energy.

India’s ambitious renewable energy goals are transforming its power sector. Rising population and
widespread electrification in rural homes is fuelling the demand for energy to power homes, businesses
and communities. Through clean energy villages can have uninterrupted power supply which is very
much required in villages as they face severe power cuts. Social justice should be an integral
component as the country moves towards expanding its renewable energy capacities. To enable a
just transition, investing in social innovation in how and where materials are sourced and recycled is
essential.In the fields of agriculture and fishery promotion of DRE will help the people to shift from
diesel operated machines to DRE machines which will eventually double their income. But according to a
study conducted by Mercom capital group titled ‘India Renewable Energy Awareness Survey,’ only 56%
of Indian consumers have heard of ‘renewable energy’ or ‘clean energy’. Although awareness was low,
71% of Indian consumers surveyed are willing to pay higher rates for electricity from renewable energy

Managing Director of SwitchOn Foundation Shri. Vinay Jaju started the program with the
welcome speech to all the chief guests and other participants. He highlighted some points on
the impact of renewable energy, SwitchON’s participation in the rural and farm sector. He said
‘The DRE products should be innovative, and it is important to create an ecosystem if we want
to scale up these products or else they will remain as pilot projects.’ Following this, DGM
NABARD Shri. Jaya Nigam Shared with the audience enriching facts on interventions by the
Government of Jharkhand. She mentioned- ‘96 percent subsidy is provided by the Government of
Jharkhand on renewable energy products. There are many solar lamps, lights and kitchen
gardens implemented in Jharkhand. Solar base grinder machines and Atta Chakki are installed in
Jharkhand and many female groups are operating this equipment.’

Various DRE companies like Black Frog, Katidhan, Resham Sutra, Inficold etc were a part of this expo
where they showcased their latest technologies using renewable energy. On asking companies to tell us
about the products they manufacture using RE. Katidhan company representative said-
‘We produce portable solar pumps. Big solar pumps might be problematic as there is a risk of being
stolen’. Black Frog company representative said ‘Any biological product which needs cold storage can be
used in these refrigerators which we make. They are battery powered and portable.’
This expo was very helpful for many individuals especially marginalized people as it can lower their cost
of using diesel operated machines.

The SwitchON research team also published three reports under JREDA. They are –

1) Impact study of solar pumps in Santhal Pargana of Jharkhand

2) Impact of Solar Mini Grids

3) Solar for irrigation awareness among farmers in Jharkhand

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